Women Iconza Award 2021

By Times Applaud Tausif Patel

Marketing Mind & Times Applaud Honour Women Achievers With ‘Women Iconza Awards 2021’

The second season of these awards recognized the achievements of women across all industries.
Marketing Mind, India’s leading content sharing platform in the Marketing niche organized ‘Women Iconza Awards 2021’ in association with event managing company Times Applaud. These awards felicitated brave, bold, and beautiful women across various industries in the country. The aim behind these awards was to inspire women to follow their passions despite all the difficulties they face.

Because of the whirlwind pandemic that hit the world in 2020, all preventive measures were followed keeping the safety of everyone in mind. Women Iconza Awards 2021 was held on 2nd March 2021 at MG Motor Showroom, Jogeshwari, Mumbai.

A total of 26 women were given accolades for their respective achievements and Mr. Vinayak Rautji (Honourable Member of parliament ) was the chief guest, and he felicitated all the awardees.

Sponsors of the events are -
1. MG Mumbai
3. Hotel Cliffton
4. Town Developers
5. Summan Agarwal - President - International Marwari Federation

#WomenIconzaAwards2021​ #BeUnstoppable​ #MGMumbai #MISUMEET #HotelCliffton #TownDevelopers #SummanAgarwal #MarketingMind​ #timesapplaud
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Marketing Mind & Times Applaud Honour Women Achievers With ‘Women Iconza Awards 2021’

The second season of these awards recognized the achievements of women across all industries.
Marketing Mind, India’s leading content sharing platform in the Marketing niche organized ‘Women Iconza Awards 2021’ in association with event managing company Times Applaud. These awards felicitated brave, bold, and beautiful women across various industries in the country. The aim behind these awards was to inspire women to follow their passions despite all the difficulties they face.

Because of the whirlwind pandemic that hit the world in 2020, all preventive measures were followed keeping the safety of everyone in mind. Women Iconza Awards 2021 was held on 2nd March 2021 at MG Motor Showroom, Jogeshwari, Mumbai.

A total of 26 women were given accolades for their respective achievements and Mr. Vinayak Rautji (Honourable Member of parliament ) was the chief guest, and he felicitated all the awardees.

Sponsors of the events are -
1. MG Mumbai
3. Hotel Cliffton
4. Town Developers
5. Summan Agarwal - President - International Marwari Federation

#WomenIconzaAwards2021​ #BeUnstoppable​ #MGMumbai #MISUMEET #HotelCliffton #TownDevelopers #SummanAgarwal #MarketingMind​ #timesapplaud
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