Star Adsense Live TV - My Business Card

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Star Adsense Live TV -Myl Business Card

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Contactless business card : "My Business Card" are completely germ-free-no-physical contact is required to send or receive a "My Business Card" - virtual card / Digital Business Cards can be shared with anyone, anywhere - simply show your QR code, or send the link over email, whatsapp, text or social media.
Sharing your business card : You can share "My Business Card" with anyone, even if they don't have the app (Yes, really - whoever you send it to does not need to have "My Business Card" to receive your card)
Why "My Business Card" : Going digital is better for both networking and the environment, Virtual cards are always available when you need them and never run out, so you'll never need to order more. We also offer premium plans, if you're looking to enhance your individual experience get your entire team or company on board with digital business cards.
What is a "My Business Card" ? : "My Business Card" is Virtual...

Star Adsense Live TV -Myl Business Card

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Contactless business card : "My Business Card" are completely germ-free-no-physical contact is required to send or receive a "My Business Card" - virtual card / Digital Business Cards can be shared with anyone, anywhere - simply show your QR code, or send the link over email, whatsapp, text or social media.
Sharing your business card : You can share "My Business Card" with anyone, even if they don't have the app (Yes, really - whoever you send it to does not need to have "My Business Card" to receive your card)
Why "My Business Card" : Going digital is better for both networking and the environment, Virtual cards are always available when you need them and never run out, so you'll never need to order more. We also offer premium plans, if you're looking to enhance your individual experience get your entire team or company on board with digital business cards.
What is a "My Business Card" ? : "My Business Card" is Virtual Business Card. It is an electronic form of a business card that can be used on the place of a paper. smart business cards (also known as digital business cards) are always up-to-date with your latest contact information. "My Business Card" is a smart business card - whenever you make changes to your "My Business Card", all of your "My Business Card" contact will automatically have you update card.
Are "My Business Card" safe ? : "My Business Card" digital business cards are completely safe to make and share. Because your cards are completely customizable, you can add and edit the information on your card at any time.

- "My Business Card" : Eco-Friendly, Cost Effective, Easier Follow Ups, Contactless, Eco-Friendly, Affordable, Always up-to-date, Convenient
- One business card, endless possibilities: Express yourself ways never before possible with a "My Business Card". You can showcase your work by uploading rich content such as photo, videos and social media links.
- Mobility at its finest : The shortest route to your customers is through their mobile phones. Utilize our share options and take your brand viral by sharing your "My Business Card" with your clients and friends.

The only business link you will ever need!
Share your card easily on Whatsapp with your customers and vendors - avoid repetitive communication and save time.
Let customers find it easy to engage with your business with clickable links to your location, payment details, Whatsapp number.
You don’t need any code or design template to make the card. All you need to give the information and the rest is our job.

Contact for Virtual Business Card - 9998790559

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स्टार एडसेंस लाईव टीवी कार्यक्रम में हिस्सा लेनेवाले सभी महेमानो की राय या समाचार में दी या ली गई राय, उनकी व्यक्तिगत राय है, स्टार एडसेंस लाईव टीवी की नहीं | स्टार एडसेंस लाईव टीवी ऑनलाइन डिजिटल प्लेटफार्म पर ही टेलीकास्ट होता है | स्टार एडसेंस लाईव टीवी का मकसद किसीकी छवि धूमिल करना या निंदा करना नहीं, बल्की समाज में जागरूकता फैलाना है | स्टार एडसेंस लाईव टीवी के सभी मनोरंजक और इन्फोर्मटिव प्रोग्राम (कार्यक्रम), हिन्दी और गुजरती समाचार (न्यूज़) भारतीय समाज के कुछ सामाजिक, राजकीय, व्ययवसायिक, शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य के मुद्दों की / पर जागरूकता बढ़ाने के उदेश्य से बनाया / बनाए जाते है | प्रोग्राम (कार्यक्रम), हिन्दी और गुजरती समाचार (न्यूज़) के माध्यम से पूछे / या लिए गए सवाल, जवाब अथवा अन्य सामग्री का उपयोग किसी भी धर्म, समाज, संस्था, व्यक्तिगत अथवा जाती की भावनाओं को चोट / ठेस या किसीभी प्रकार / किसीका भी अपमान करना या नुकसान पहुँचना नहीं है | स्टार एडसेंस लाईव टीवी मेज़बान कार्यक्रम / समाचार में दर्शाये गए विचारों को मान्यता देनें के लिए बाध्य नहीं है | दर्शको द्वारा लिया गया कोईभी निर्णय / प्रतिक्रिया और / या किसी अन्य कार्यक्रम / समाचार की सामग्री तरह से उनकी / उसकी / अपने स्वयं के विविक और ईच्छा पर आधारित होगी / होगा, और मोबाईल या वेबसाइट, सोशल मीडिया या किसी अन्य माध्यम से स्टार एडसेंस लाईव टीवी के कार्यक्रम या समाचार से उतपन्न होनेवाले किसीभी विषय / मुद्दों की सामग्री के लिए स्टार एडसेंस लाईव टीवी किसीभी प्रकार / तरिके से उत्तरदायी / जवाबदार नहीं होगा |

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