Our Mission: “To propagate this breakthrough treatment in Homeopathy to maximum in this world and to break the barriers of mindset that considers homeopathy for limited diseases”. About us: Dr. Ghanshyam S. Patel (D.H.M.S - Consultant Homeopath – Independent Innovative Researcher) is a Homeopathic Physician serving patients in homeopathy since last 20 years (Since 1997) in Vadodara. He has total 23 years of experience in which he served for initial 3 years in rural areas near Vadodara ultimately settling down with full fledged homeopathic OPD in Nizampura named Dr. Ghanshyam Patel’s “SHREEJI CLINIC”- Vadodara. Now he is coming up with his New Venture named “Dr GHANSHYAM HOMEO CLINIC™” (Advanced Homeopathic Clinic and Clinical Research Centre) to give the optimum out of his last 22 years’ hard work, experience and research.
After graduation from District Homeopathic Medical College, in 1994, Dr. Ghanshyam Patel started serving homeopathically in Sokhada village of Vadodara district. With his inclination towards research and deep studies in homeopathy he used to handle all types of cases since the beginning of his career. In 1997 he started his own research on different kinds of diseases and their corresponding indicated homeopathic medicines. Starting with piles, fissures and fistula first he started his research and prepared his own combinations of homeopathic medicines and local applications called &lsq...
Our Mission: “To propagate this breakthrough treatment in Homeopathy to maximum in this world and to break the barriers of mindset that considers homeopathy for limited diseases”. About us: Dr. Ghanshyam S. Patel (D.H.M.S - Consultant Homeopath – Independent Innovative Researcher) is a Homeopathic Physician serving patients in homeopathy since last 20 years (Since 1997) in Vadodara. He has total 23 years of experience in which he served for initial 3 years in rural areas near Vadodara ultimately settling down with full fledged homeopathic OPD in Nizampura named Dr. Ghanshyam Patel’s “SHREEJI CLINIC”- Vadodara. Now he is coming up with his New Venture named “Dr GHANSHYAM HOMEO CLINIC™” (Advanced Homeopathic Clinic and Clinical Research Centre) to give the optimum out of his last 22 years’ hard work, experience and research.
After graduation from District Homeopathic Medical College, in 1994, Dr. Ghanshyam Patel started serving homeopathically in Sokhada village of Vadodara district. With his inclination towards research and deep studies in homeopathy he used to handle all types of cases since the beginning of his career. In 1997 he started his own research on different kinds of diseases and their corresponding indicated homeopathic medicines. Starting with piles, fissures and fistula first he started his research and prepared his own combinations of homeopathic medicines and local applications called ‘Malam’. By getting immense success in these cases he got motivated further and started his research on other diseases, like gastro-intestinal, respiratory, genetic disorders including complicated and rare diseases like Autoimmune diseases, Cancers and AIDS. In homeopathic pharmacopeias there are many medicines that are mentioned for such rare diseases but not many homeopaths use this treasure to cure them which Dr. Ghanshyam did. After reading and understanding their medicines and their curative and pathogenetic actions he started segregating them from disease to disease he started preparing his own combinations on various diseases like, Gastrointestinal, Respiratory, Hyperacidity, Allergies, Asthma, Sleep disorders, Pediatric disorders, Female disorders, and not to forget Cancer and HIV Positive cases too. This way with 7 long years of research and 15,000 hours of study he came up with more than 800 combinations of his own with different diseases and thus kept curing the needy thereafter with this holistic science without any kind of pain or side effects.
He has to his credit various kinds of complicated and critical cases with their cure like Autoimmune conditions, Various kinds of Cancers, Cases of Last stage of various kinds of diseases, Genetic disorders’ and many more so as to prove that homeopathy works in all kinds to cases. With this new venture coming up he aims to spread this beauty of homeopathy to maximum needy people who consider homeopathic treatment for selected cases only. Yes, ÍT IS POSSIBLE’ has been truly proved by him in last 23 years.
Other Activities: Has been a member of Homeopathic Medical Association of India (HMAI), Vadodara Unit, Since 1995.
Treated many poor and needy at his own Charitable trust named ‘Chandrarpan Charitable Trust’ from 2002-2005. Give FOC treatment to all the active members of many renowned religious associations.
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