West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday offered support to the Congress in states where it is strong, provided her Trinamool Congress gets the same support as the Congress in the state. However, the state Congress leadership has rejected the proposal from its end, saying that the Chief Minister's reluctance to acknowledge the impact of Rahul Gandhi's Bharat Jodo Yatra at the national level actually validates his true perception of the Congress. . Mamta said, from the beginning, I was saying that the parties having strength in the respective areas should directly fight the BJP there.. Like AAP in Delhi, RJD-JD-U in Bihar, Samajwadi Party in Uttar Pradesh and DMK in Tamil Nadu Congress, and Trinamool Congress in West Bengal. We supported Congress in Karnataka, and now they should do the same to us in West Bengal. It is not correct that they will enjoy our support in Karnataka and oppose us in West Bengal. However, State Congress President Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury completely rejected his claims of supporting the Congress in Karnataka. Chowdhary said she is claiming to have raised the slogan of not voting for the BJP in Karnataka. But even once did he appeal to the people of Karnataka to vote for the Congress? Our fight against the Trinamool Congress in West Bengal will continue. After the Karnataka election results were declared on Saturday, the Chief Minister, through a Twitter message as well as his statements to media persons, congratulated the people of...
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday offered support to the Congress in states where it is strong, provided her Trinamool Congress gets the same support as the Congress in the state. However, the state Congress leadership has rejected the proposal from its end, saying that the Chief Minister's reluctance to acknowledge the impact of Rahul Gandhi's Bharat Jodo Yatra at the national level actually validates his true perception of the Congress. . Mamta said, from the beginning, I was saying that the parties having strength in the respective areas should directly fight the BJP there.. Like AAP in Delhi, RJD-JD-U in Bihar, Samajwadi Party in Uttar Pradesh and DMK in Tamil Nadu Congress, and Trinamool Congress in West Bengal. We supported Congress in Karnataka, and now they should do the same to us in West Bengal. It is not correct that they will enjoy our support in Karnataka and oppose us in West Bengal. However, State Congress President Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury completely rejected his claims of supporting the Congress in Karnataka. Chowdhary said she is claiming to have raised the slogan of not voting for the BJP in Karnataka. But even once did he appeal to the people of Karnataka to vote for the Congress? Our fight against the Trinamool Congress in West Bengal will continue. After the Karnataka election results were declared on Saturday, the Chief Minister, through a Twitter message as well as his statements to media persons, congratulated the people of Karnataka for the results. However, even when the media persons questioned her in this matter, she remained silent about the Congress. He said, "I have said whatever I had to say." Chowdhary immediately reacted and said that the Trinamool is actually against a united opposition alliance. "The MPs of her (Mamata Banerjee's) party did not vote when we fielded a united opposition candidate against Jagdeep Dhankhar in the Vice President's election," he said. The Trinamool is also reluctant to coordinate in either House within the Parliament.
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