Farhan Akhtar ने की 'Don 3' की announcement

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most awaited फिल्म 'डॉन 3' आखिरकार बन रही है, लेकिन इसमें lead role में एक नया star होगा। multi-hyphenate artiste Farhan Akhtar,, जिन्होंने Don (2006) और Don 2' (2011) का direct किया, जिसमें बॉलीवुड मेगास्टार शाहरुख खान lead role में थे, ने tueasday को अपने सोशल मीडिया पर एक नोट share किया।

The highly anticipated movie ‘Don 3’ is finally happening but it will have a new star headlining the titular role.The multi-hyphenate artiste Farhan Akhtar, who directed ‘Don’ (2006) and ‘Don 2’ (2011) both starring the Bollywood megastar Shah Rukh Khan in the titular role, took to his social media on Tuesday and shared a note with regards to the film’s announcement.

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most awaited फिल्म 'डॉन 3' आखिरकार बन रही है, लेकिन इसमें lead role में एक नया star होगा। multi-hyphenate artiste Farhan Akhtar,, जिन्होंने Don (2006) और Don 2' (2011) का direct किया, जिसमें बॉलीवुड मेगास्टार शाहरुख खान lead role में थे, ने tueasday को अपने सोशल मीडिया पर एक नोट share किया।

The highly anticipated movie ‘Don 3’ is finally happening but it will have a new star headlining the titular role.The multi-hyphenate artiste Farhan Akhtar, who directed ‘Don’ (2006) and ‘Don 2’ (2011) both starring the Bollywood megastar Shah Rukh Khan in the titular role, took to his social media on Tuesday and shared a note with regards to the film’s announcement.

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