संसद में मणिपुर हिंसा, दिल्ली सेवा विधेयक पर हंगामा, कांग्रेस ने फिर दिया नोटिस

By News Update

In the Monsoon session of the Parliament which started from 20th July, the opposition party is continuously creating ruckus... The opposition is still adamant on demanding PM Modi's statement regarding the Manipur violence. In such a situation, the opposition parties are continuously demanding discussion on Manipur under Rule 267 in the House.


In the Monsoon session of the Parliament which started from 20th July, the opposition party is continuously creating ruckus... The opposition is still adamant on demanding PM Modi's statement regarding the Manipur violence. In such a situation, the opposition parties are continuously demanding discussion on Manipur under Rule 267 in the House.

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